
A list of savings

Our automated de-icing process is cost-effective and eco-friendly, capturing over 90% of spent glycol to reduce waste and cut expenses. By precisely targeting only the necessary areas, it minimizes glycol usage, supported by advanced sensors. This process ensures compliance with industry guidelines, enhancing safety and efficiency while reducing energy consumption.

Revolutionizing aviation sustainability

In our aircraft washing operations, we control water usage with precision, utilizing rainwater and advanced technology to minimize reliance on traditional sources. We achieve up to 95% water capture and filtration for reuse, preserving resources.

Our Pure Water technology, with ultra-low parts per million (ppm), replaces harsh chemicals in aircraft cleaning, contributing to sustainability and eco-friendliness.

In aviation, we not only save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions by maintaining clean aircraft surfaces but also achieve significant reductions in engine emissions with regular engine washes. Automated de-icing and traffic management software cut ground time, further lowering CO2 emissions.

Overall, our automatic de-ice, wash, and engine wash system plays a vital role in reducing aviation emissions, prioritizing safety, efficiency, and a greener future.

Read more about how we focus on sustainability

Slashing CO2 emissions and waste through recycling, de-Icing, and advanced cleaning

Innovative technology cuts water usage and boosts sustainability

Sustainable De-Ice and cleaning solutions for a greener future

Empowering Sustainability: United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Automation = Reduction